If you are planning to consider a free web hosting service, what are the important things that you have to know? You need to remember that using a free web service without knowing anything might cause some problems in the future. It will be better if you will have some information about the simple facts on free hosting services. Here are some of the facts that you need to know before you decide to consider a free web hosting service.
Limited Services
A free hosting service only offers limited services. This is one thing that you need to understand firsthand because you must not expect them to provide you unlimited services. Limited services are given to free hosting, while unlimited services are given to paid services.
Sharing Space
Basically, if you are looking at a free hosting service, you have to share a space with someone else or you have to provide your own hard drive for this. It is free so you can expect that some of the other features will not be included.
Free hosting has a lot of pop-up ads and other types of advertisements. Since it's free, this is the only way for them to earn money from the free services that they offer. The advertisements will not be a big problem if you are only using it for personal blogs and non-profit websites but if you are going to do business, this is not advisable.
Purchased Domains
Some free hosting sites allow the use of purchased domains on their hosting. But, you need to keep in mind that there are free hosting sites that do not allow this thing so you need to be aware of this.
Paid Subscription
Basically, most free hosting sites always give you the chance to get more features with their paid services. Basically, free web hosting is only a marketing strategy used by many hosting sites to attract customers. Free services are being used by the owners to lure more customers to their service and allow them to be tempted to purchase their paid services.
Well, free hosting services are great in many different ways but there are some features that you cannot access. You cannot ask for more from these hosting sites because they offer their services for free. You always have a choice whether to consider a paid service or a free service so you can start off with free services and proceed with a paid service if you need to.
Limited Services
A free hosting service only offers limited services. This is one thing that you need to understand firsthand because you must not expect them to provide you unlimited services. Limited services are given to free hosting, while unlimited services are given to paid services.
Sharing Space
Basically, if you are looking at a free hosting service, you have to share a space with someone else or you have to provide your own hard drive for this. It is free so you can expect that some of the other features will not be included.
Free hosting has a lot of pop-up ads and other types of advertisements. Since it's free, this is the only way for them to earn money from the free services that they offer. The advertisements will not be a big problem if you are only using it for personal blogs and non-profit websites but if you are going to do business, this is not advisable.
Purchased Domains
Some free hosting sites allow the use of purchased domains on their hosting. But, you need to keep in mind that there are free hosting sites that do not allow this thing so you need to be aware of this.
Paid Subscription
Basically, most free hosting sites always give you the chance to get more features with their paid services. Basically, free web hosting is only a marketing strategy used by many hosting sites to attract customers. Free services are being used by the owners to lure more customers to their service and allow them to be tempted to purchase their paid services.
Well, free hosting services are great in many different ways but there are some features that you cannot access. You cannot ask for more from these hosting sites because they offer their services for free. You always have a choice whether to consider a paid service or a free service so you can start off with free services and proceed with a paid service if you need to.
About the Author:
If you want to have a great website presence, it is important to seek for the best web hosting. You can get more information about web hosting when you visit http://www.batcave.net.
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